
Welcome to QualitySmallCaps.co.uk

My name is Paul Scott, well-known UK small caps investor, commentator/blogger/analyst.

The purpose of this site is to hold interesting content about UK small caps in audio, video & transcript forms. Also, I will pull together my other content, such as the infamous Bargepole List, and interesting investor videos. The idea is that I curate the content, and exclude anything from companies which I believe to be too speculative, over-priced, or downright dodgy (of which there are plenty on AIM, sadly).

The focus is all on quality, hence the site name;

Quality investors – I only interview people that are successful real-world investors – friends that I’ve known for years, and have witnessed make very good money from the market (everyone is allowed the occasional bad year, though!). So these guys are really worth listening to.

Quality companies – I’m not usually interested in talking to CEOs of jam tomorrow companies (but never say never). I only interview companies that (rightly or wrongly) look sensible to me. However, the onus is on you as an investor, to decide what you think. So my interviews are informational only, not advisory, which is true of all content on this site. I want to educate, inform, and discuss. Not dictate or advise.

Quality comments – abusive, or advfn-style nutcases are not welcome here, and will be deleted. Please be polite, and talk about stocks, not people. (NB. Comments are not currently enabled, but will be once the site is more established).

Do Your Own Research – this site is purely for information & stock ideas for you to research further. These are all personal views. Sometimes they will be right, sometimes wrong. We are NOT trying to give advice or recommendations. So you will NEVER get buy or sell advice from us here. For this reason, this site is outside the scope of the FCA regulations, as we are not giving advice.

At some point in the future, the aim is to expand and make this a (modest) subscription website, in order to cover my costs, time, secretarial & IT support, and to pay guest writers. For now though, it’s free, and let’s see what develops! If people like it, I’ll create more content. So far though, people seem to enjoy my content on AudioBoom, so over time I’ll be migrating that content over here.

NB. This site in no way detracts from my ongoing work at Stockopedia, producing the notoriously blunt Small Cap Value Reports every working day, which will continue for as long as Stockopedia will have me. Although it’s a lot of work, I love writing those reports each morning, giving a view on the day’s small cap results & trading updates. Also it is wonderful to be associated with Stockopedia, and the geniuses behind it.

I will just put my other bits & bobs into this site, and hopefully at some stage earn a bit of an income from it, if people like what I’m doing & are prepared to pay for it. Thank you very much to those of you who have donated via PayPal (button on RHS of front page). The more donations we get, the more content we can product (e.g. paying for transcripts to be typed up).

Regards, Paul Scott.