Small Caps Podcast with Paul Scott – Episode 2
Many thanks for the positive feedback to last week’s trial podcast. That’s given me the impetus to keep doing them regularly, on Saturdays.
In this podcast, I discuss market conditions again, and run through the most interesting out of the 25 companies Graham & I reviewed in this week’s Stockopedia Small Cap Value Reports. Thank you to subscribers for continuing to engage, in these difficult market conditions – it won’t be like this forever!
As always, we’re not giving advice. Just personal opinions, some of which will turn out to be right, and some wrong. Please always do your own research, and take responsibility for your decisions.
You can leave comments below. I have to approve them (and delete Russian spam), so there might be a delay before comments are published. All relevant comments are approved, whether positive or not.
Hi Paul,
Your podcasts are excellent! Please keep them going. (I’ve just listened to episodes 1 & 2 back-to-back).
Great update / podcast Paul. Thank you for taking the time and effort to do this, I always learn something from your words of wisdom.
great again. BOWL being TEGs larger competitor, Hollywood Bowl. Phonetic link here
keen on JOUL and MORE for this week. Both had a bashing.
Thanks Ric! Yes, you’re right, I was struggling to remember BOWL (Bravo, Orange, no I’ll stop there, I’m milking this joke far too much!!), Hollywood Bowl. To keep the podcasts informal, and minimum work (it’s about an hour to think & prepare, then half an hour to record), I’m not editing anything. Warts & all is more natural too, I think!
Another excellent listen – keep them coming
I really enjoyed listening to this 2nd episode of the podcast. I enjoyed your knowledgeable, honest and relaxed style. (Including the phonetics…) 😉
Now to listen to episode 1. Keep them coming Paul and I very much appreciate your time and effort.
Hi Paul,
Mea culpa. I was listening at the gym and I think I must have got distracted at that point. I listened again at home and heard your comments on REDD.
Hi Paul,
I really enjoyed this – and last week’s – podcasts. Thank you.
Did you comment on REDD’s finals during the week? I seem to remember you were +ve on them a year or two ago.
Hi zho,
Graham covered REDD this week. If you look under the “discussion” tab for REDD, it should come up.
Regards, Paul.
Thanks Paul, very much appreciate your hard work. Nothing wrong with the odd armadillo!
Jolly good. Tango Alpha
excellent again, Paul. Might be fun to bundle in ‘Paul’s unscratched itch of the week’ where you can just let rip with some aspect of the financial markets that you don’t like.
How about one of my favourites, companies that cannot even answer the phone number they give on the RNS and it just rings out!
Great listening. Thanks Paul! Also love your version of the phonetic alphabet. Armadillo
Thanks Bryan! Yes indeed, my phonetic alphabet went particularly haywire this week – it’s strange, but when I start talking about shares, it’s really fluent, and must use a particular part of my brain, because I forget everything else!! So if I can’t remember the right word, I just say the first thing than comes into my head – surprisingly difficult when you’re on the spot, as it turns out. No idea where the armadillos came from! But mildly amusing I thought, and I don’t have time to edit them, so left it in, warts & all. Best wishes, Paul.
Thanks Paul really appreciate your podcasts I find them informative and interesting as I don’t always get the time to study all the reports you and Graham put out.