Small Caps Podcast with Paul Scott – Episode 4
Please remember that my output is all just personal opinions, never advice. It’s essential to do your own research, as plenty of my ideas won’t work, some will, nobody can predict the future with certainty after all. I have personal holdings in some of the companies mentioned.
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Thanks for these Paul. Really enjoy listening to what I have read earlier in the week on Stocko. Interesting what you say on #RNO & agree on pension scheme. Dont like disclosure but it can afford the c£4m pa payments. Surprised it dropped on results so despite it being nearly double my 13p entry point I have topped up. Wish I could say about #MADE. My biggest mistake of the decade….
Thanks Paul, another good listen, much appreciate the time you put into this. A good couple of weeks for me so far, I am long term holder of VLX, PHTM, and BEG. I also hold COG.
Thanks for your effort with this Paul, really useful to listen.
Hi Paul, great listen as in previous weeks, so thanks for taking the time to record this summary.
I have noted below the stocks you have covered and the approximate timings in case its helpful to others listening to the podcast.
VLX – 0:55
FEVR – 2:45
TSTL – 4:50
MEX – 6:53
RNO – 11:30
BOOM – 13:51
MADE – 18:30
PHTM – 20:03
HOTC – 22:10
EYE – 25:36
BEG – 26:00
VCP – 26:15
NXR – 27:40
FIF – 28:20
COST – 29:40
NET – 31:20
SDI – 31:52
SFOR – 33:20
UBG – 35:00
SGI – 38:08
Following Unbound’s deceit to you, maybe you should re-interview the CEO &CFO at Hostmore so see if they were being fully honest
Hi Paul, thanks for your quick reply. I added to my holding right on the start of trading on Fri too. As Cockney Rebel says in your discussion with him, “sometimes you get a gut feeling about a company” and he says he has learnt to trust his own instincts far more now (or something like that anyway!
I remember watching him when he was a guest on Mello Monday several months ago, when he gave us a brief history of when and how he started investing, along with some great quips about his (sadly passed too soon and wonderful orator brother Bob Crow). CR is a very accomplished artist too. We also saw some of his artwork on Mello on that interview. I found it fascinating to listen to him. His strategy is very interesting too and I picked up some good ideas.
I appreciate I’ve gone off at a tangent to your small cap podcast here, so my apologies!
Ps I really enjoy all your Mello appearances and Vox stuff and with Tamsin and SCVR stuff, so keep it up please if you can!
Rob DH2.
Hi Paul, I really enjoyed your 4th podcast. Easy listening. I was a bit surprised you didn’t mention COG (Cambridge Cognition) in your ramble. Their trading update was on Thursday and some meaningful share purchases by the CEO & CFO the following day too. Lots of companies reported last week, so I fo appreciate you and Graham we’re busy boys. Any chance of cycling back on COG on Monday?
Keep up the great work though. It’s much appreciated and I also enjoyed your interview with Cockney Rebel too. He does tell it as he sees it. A big thumbs up from me.
Hi Rob,
Good point, I overlooked COG (I hold) – I read its trading update first thing on the day, and noted the Director buying too, and it looked good. But I didn’t get round to reporting on it in the SCVRs, got bogged down in other stuff. Overall though COG looks good, and it’s now clear that the big drop in share price this year was entirely unconnected to company fundamentals – just market sentiment, and I suppose the general de-rating in growth type companies. It’s given my SIPP a decent boost though, as I’m overweight COG, BKS, and BUMP, in that account. Thanks for flagging it! Best wishes, Paul.